Caravan Submission

Caravan Submission

Complete the form below to make a Caravan submission for the Kona and Kau Caravans ONLY.

Please check the rotation prior to submitting.
Listings submitted outside of the current 
TMK rotation will not be accepted/approved.

Starting 8/15/2024 all properties submitted for the Kona Caravan MUST be in active status to be included on the list. Properties may be in preview at the time of submission as long as they are active at the time of the caravan. 

Please note: WHAR Caravan Meetings are a member only benefit. Non-members may submit properties, but cannot attend the meetings. The meeting host will announce the property. 

Kona Caravan meetings are hybrid. In person meetings are currently held at the Grace Parish Center of the St. Michael the Archangel Church on Ali'i Drive. The zoom link is only available to WHAR members.

Ka'u Caravan meetings are held at the Oceanview Community Center and are in person only - there is no zoom link for this meeting.
The DEADLINE to enter your Ka'u submission is Monday by 4:00pm.

Submission Tips:
Each listing is considered an "Account". If you have submitted to caravan before, you will need to create a new account for each new submission.
  • If you see the message "You are currently signed in as" hit "Sign up for a new account".
  • If you see the message "You have existing accounts" hit "Create new account".
(be sure to hit "Submit" at the bottom of the page) 
All edits to Caravan listings will be made by the WHAR office.

REMINDER - You are making the following commitments by submitting a Caravan listing (Kona Caravans):
  1. To be present at the Caravan Meeting or attend via Zoom. Or, you must have a REALTOR® member at the meeting to announce your listing for you. If you or your representative are not present at Caravan to announce your listing (live or zoom) your listing may be REMOVED from caravan.
  2. Open hours are to be from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM.
  3. Directions to the location are mandatory, and should be both complete and accurate.
  4. Comments should include parking information, if Open House signs will be out, and any other information agents would need to find your property.
  5. Read the Caravan Policies and Procedures located on the E-News, and the caravan submission page of the WHAR website.
  6. Contact the WHAR Office 808-329-4874 as soon as possible if any changes need to be made or if a listing will be removed from Caravan.
  7. Non-members making submissions are asked to contact the WHAR Office to confirm their property will be open and that the Caravan host will announce their listing. 
The DEADLINE to enter your Kona submission is Monday by 5:00pm.

Be sure to check the caravan rotation BEFORE submitting your listings. Listings submitted that are outside of the current rotation will need to be resubmitted at the correct time.

Caravan Policies & Procedures
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