W Hawaii (Kona) Caravan

West Hawaii (Kona) Caravan

To submit a property, visit the Caravan Submission Page.

Please check the rotation prior to submitting. Listings submitted outside the current TMK rotation will not be accepted/approvedAll caravan submissions MUST be in ACTIVE status within 24 hours of submission.

Deadline to submit for Kona Caravan is Monday by 5 PM

WHAR Caravan Meetings 
  • Hybrid meetings held each Thursday morning at the Grace Parish Center (St. Michael's Church on Alii Dr.)
  • 8:15 AM to 8:30 AM, networking time
  • Meeting held from 8:30 AM to 9:15 AM
  • Meetings are a member only benefit, guests may be permitted with approval from WHAR staff. 
  • Zoom link is available only to WHAR members.
  • If you attend in person, be sure to silence your phone and avoid taking calls or having conversations in the breezeway. 
  • If you attend on zoom, please have your camera on if possible and be sure to mute yourself. 

Current TMK Rotations are:
  • 7-1 to 7-4: including Condos in 7-1 to 7-3
  • 7-5 to 7-6: residential homes and detached condos only
  • Condos 7-4 to 7-8: only attached and excluding  Seascape, Punahele, Captain Cook Village, and Kona Coffee Villas
  • 7-7 to South: all of South Kona, including Condos that are excluded from the condo rotation.

Submission Guidelines
  • Submissions for the upcoming TMLK rotation should be made between Thursday afternoon and Monday by 5 pm. 
  • Listings submitted outside of the current TMK rotation will not be accepted, they will need to be re-submitted at the correct time.
  • Members who submit are required to attend the meeting to announce their property. 
  • Comments should include parking information, if Open House signs will be out, and any other information agents would need to find your property.
  • Open House hours should be at minimum 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM.
  • Listings must be in active status within 24 hours of submission due to MLS rules. 
The DEADLINE to enter your Kona submission is MONDAY by 5:00pm.
Caravan Policies & Procedures
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